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Hoboken, NJ
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meet gina
"The wound is the place where the light enters you."
Gina Andreano, Certified Life Coach – JRNI Coaching, is the founder of Soul Space Place, a Life Coach and Addiction Recovery practice based in Hoboken, New Jersey. As a Reiki practitioner and Coach, Gina combines energy work with a beautiful way of relating through talk therapy to help each client expand and broaden their awareness so that they might better navigate life.
Gina’s life experiences have attuned her with an expansive skill set in aspects ranging from life on life’s terms, to spirituality, recovery, relationships and business. She sees clients from her studio in Hoboken but is also available via various media methods which allows for a further reach, client base and means of service. She continues to work a program of recovery daily which enhances her spiritual practices and expands the breathe of service to which she brings to individuals across all age, race, gender, cultural and religious identities. Gina has been working in the recovery world for many years and has a great respect for each individual’s process while gently guiding them into the wonderful world of Self with love, respect and acceptance.
Gina is a published writer, has a strong faith, is a lover of travel and meditation – she adores the life she lives and has a way with making people feel safe and comfortable in her presence. ‘You know you’re in the right place as soon as you meet her” is what her clients, friends and colleagues often say.
my why...
I believe that the world is inherently a wonderful place. I believe that a need of the world for ‘safe space holding‘ is dire and that I have a heart, because of my own exact journey, that has room for that ‘space’ today.
I do what I do, as a Coach because I have come to know what it feels like to truly be seen and heard and loved. I did not always know those monumental concepts within. Not because they were not offered or presented to me, but because I could not receive them or had the space for them. My journey, with all of its twists and turns ~ with its highs (and I mean that literally and conceptually) and lows at some point delivered me to a doorway where once opened by a bit of willingness to want, to hope, to believe in something different than I had known or had lived up until that point, was possible for me. So in turn that very wondrous moment and string of moments following left me with an insurmountable desire to offer that space to others.
My Why is simply to help humanity see itself through, by the wisdom of each Souls recognition, to a better means of experiencing this thing called human life. I believe in ‘freedom’ today in a sense of more than space from people, but instead from trauma related limitation and conditioned behavior.
My Why is beacuse I believe I deserve to live joyfully, that WE all deserve to live joyfully, peacefully. To know love beyond the finite ways I’ve known it and to allow, by means of relating, to help others know that about themselves as well.
My Why is simple - it’s to be of service to others because I know deeply how it has changed me and continues to allow me to Become, more than my earlier Self believed I could be.
My Why = I believe in a Soft Landing into the vast landscape of Self. If even for some few moments every day.