“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Melody Beattie

I sit here looking out my back porch into the woods, a statue of the Blessed Mother, weathered from natures storms, the light of the day shines its glow upon her, and there she stands blessing my home, my life, all of us….always! I miss the celebrations of holidays past where my family was large, loud and thriving…conflict and controversy mingled in with the day’s festivities only made it that much more…real and US. I honor all of those moments and I relinquish those memories to Love, to having and knowing love because it comes with its majestic grandeur as well as with its tender echoes. Love has taught me so many things. It has softened me, opened me, exposed me, forgiven me, expanded me and most especially…it has lit me up. I can sit here today, before the day’s events begin and give great Thanks for the sheer pleasure and privilege of having weathered all my storms, as Mother Mary has so eloquently reminded me.
This life is given, it’s gifted to me, to all of us. We are here with purpose and pleasure. To take all of the moments, good and difficult and toss them into a bowl, sprinkle them with whatever spices and toppings we wish, and set them to bake. As we continue on about our days, our moments, spending time with what and who brings us Joy, being of service, blessing all who surround us as we are granted the same by the presence of our tribes. Walking one another home…and enjoying the journey on the way.
I couldn’t be more Grateful for the peace of this day, for all of the storms and the moments in the sun that have shaped my life into the precious gift that it is. I AM truly and eternally GRATEFUL!!!